I just can’t people. 

The Mountains are calling. I just had to wear this sweater to work just to get me through the day. 

After 5 working days with people Iam ready for silence. I enjoy my quiet house, if that’s even possible with kids. People wear me out. Talking on the phone is something I truly hate and sometimes I just want to shut everything out. I may seem like a social person and sometimes I am but after lots of people around I need time off. 

Holidays are especially hard since everyone, and I mean everyone wants to get together. Everyone wants supper, a party, a drink, just a quick lunch. That all equals more pressure, and I can’t just say no. These two little letters would cause hurt feelings, confusion. Others would not understand, next week is not better and working around me won’t help. Holidays are the worst.

I just can’t. 

So resetting in the mountains is my solution. My husband understands and some days he just knows that we have to make time for an adventure, no matter how quick or small it is. Now I know I need to get away. 

Watching the sunrise and set, the reflection of the mountains in the lake, sweet smells of trees, gurgling water in streams, the amazing view once you hit the peak. Those are the things I need, they are my happiness. 

5 thoughts on “I just can’t people. 

  1. I can totally relate to this feeling and getting out in nature is so important for relieving it! We’ve enjoyed reading our blog, by the way, and nominated you for a Sunshine Blogger Award here: https://johnandkatiesrvhoneymoon.com/2016/11/14/sunshine-blogger-award/. We’d love to hear your response if you get the chance, otherwise thank you for keeping your blog! It is gorgeous and really makes us want to go back to Glacier and check out Waterton and more of Canada the next time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Isn’t it amazing that people like us ever find someone to marry with whom we are compatible? The thing is, I dislike having to deal with people- and have just told the planning committee at my office that I will not be attending the Christmas party- but I hate being alone; I mean living alone without a partner to love, talk to, joke with, who has my back as I have hers. We have made a pact that, when the time comes, I go first.


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